2021And move forward together
作者:朴开十向设计事务所 发布时间:2022-07-30 浏览量: 次
[Creating a fusion and experience space has become a shortcut to attract consumers. The marketing path of daytime restaurants and nighttime bars, neon elements and photo publicity is becoming the new trend. But how can brands maintain longevity if they blindly chase ephemeral and uncertain visual appearances? The answer may be to "dig deeper into the connection between the brand,the people and the genius loci ".]
M Coffee Bar作为一个深受年轻群体喜爱的餐饮品牌,对每次调整都精益求精,希望能在延续品牌特色的同时带来些耳目一新的东西。而我们则致力于发掘场所的认同感、归属感,赋予“新东西”无限活力。M的新店从讨论到落成历时两年,一开幕即成为当地新地标,这也得益于品牌、场所、人的密切联系。
The store is located in Harbin Xicheng Red Square, the building was formerly a machinery factory, the unique "industrial" of the place is both a characteristic and a shackle. So we abandoned the superficial "elements" and explored a more abstract "metaphor".
广场、塔楼、白鸽,光看这些词脑中就能出现旧时城市公共空间的画面,而画面里洋溢的,自由、包容的氛围,正是M Coffee Bar一直想打造的。
The square, the tower, the dove, just looking at these words brings up images of old-time urban public space in your mind, and the free and inclusive atmosphere in the images is exactly what M Coffee Bar has always wanted to create.
We built a 12-meter-high wine rack to become a glowing "tower" and used it as the core to enclose a rectangular dining area with a continuous arcade; we used brick walls and tiles to blur the floor and roof, and made a replica of Leonardo da Vinci's flying device into a "white dove". Thus, M's "square" emerged.
We are also building a staircase that will open the tower to all people. The vertical lift of the hanging from wire to pick up the wine will bring a deep sense of involvement and make the M brand deeply rooted in people's memories.
品牌与认同Brand and Identity
于品牌而言,周到的服务、经得起考验的产品、正向的互动,是与顾客建立联系的纽带,这一层面上M Coffee Bar已颇有造诣。在帮助品牌赢得更多的认同上,我们能做些什么?
Planning personnel movement lines to improve service efficiency; controlling lighting and materials to optimize detail experience.
The large block is modern and regular, and the small block (contact surface) focuses on quality and detail experience.
Visual buzz is always just the surface, a deep fit with the brand, the people and the genius loci is the answer to make the space exude vitality.